Two factions within the AKP

Source : – 4 octobre 2024 – Ismet Özçelik

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The results of the March 31 local elections have shaken things up within the Justice and Development Party (AKP). President Erdoğan’s criticism of the party’s senior levels during the Central Executive Board meeting, and the subsequent leaks to the press, are almost unprecedented. Here, Erdoğan is clearly addressing the grassroots of the Party.

Following the defeat in the election, some within the AKP, who had been quietly expanding their personal wealth, suddenly turned into critics and started speaking out. So did those who sided with the Democracy and Progress Party (DEM) affiliated with the PKK terrorist organization during and after the elections in city of Van…

When it comes to the plans and interests of the US, some within the AKP are acting boldly and do not hesitate to share their views and statements on social media.

Returning to the “founding principles”

And suddenly, a debate about “2002” has erupted within the AKP. According to some, the Party should return to the “founding principles” of 2002. For those seeking this “return,” the goal is nothing but an AKP giving up fight against the Fethullah Gülen terrorist organization (FETÖ), restricting itself to a “coalition with religious sects”, collaborating with liberals, taking stance against Turkish nationalism, and governing the economy as demanded by international financial institutions.

Those familiar with the AKP in Ankara summarized the situation to me as follows:

Pro-Americans in the AKP

“There are two factions within the Party. Broadly speaking, one faction is pro-Western and ‘pro-American.’ This faction, having been mostly purged since former president Abdullah Gül’s departure from the AKP and the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, still holds influence. They wear different masks and emerge on stage in critical moments. Their policies include hostility towards Russia, China, Iran, and President Assad, and a friendship with NATO and the US. They advocate for implementing imperialist impositions under the pretext of ‘we have no other choice.’ This faction had been aiming for the Good Party as an alliance partner instead of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Although they are few in terms of quantity and impact at the grassroots level, they hold critical positions and utilize state resources. They are preparing for the post-Erdoğan era.

The other faction is more based on the concept of ‘Turkish nation state’. They are overwhelmingly effective in the grassroots compared to the other faction. They resist the plans and impositions of the US over Türkiye. Furthermore, they oppose reconciliation with FETÖ and the PKK, and they are critical of those who advocate for getting better relations with the US. They criticize the other faction for ‘surrendering to the West.’

Meanwhile, there are those standing in the middle, undecided. They will accept whichever faction emerges victorious.”

Towards the end of “the policy of balance”

In fact, this struggle has been ongoing for a long time. The party leadership had been pursuing a “balance policy” between these two factions. However, the defeat in the March 31 election intensified tensions.

The pro-American faction is trying to take the reign. They initiated a kind of campaign and are supporting each other on social media. So, an open struggle.

President Erdoğan is currently evaluating the situation. He will be likely taking some important steps in the near future.

The pro-American faction within the AKP gained courage after the election. They are preparing to be influential within the Party and to seize control after Erdoğan. They are holding private meetings behind closed doors.

What I see is this: The end of the “balance policy” is nearing, both globally and within the AKP. Let’s see what Erdoğan’s say will be.

Une pensée sur “Two factions within the AKP

  • 15 avril 2024 à 19 h 04 min

    L’ambivalence n’est-elle pas dans la ligne idéologique de tous les partis politiques affiliés à la mouvance « des frères musulmans » qui est, rappelons-le une création de la « Perfide Albion ». Ils ont de qui tenir …


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