Biden could drag us to WWIII. But will Trump be any different?

Source : – 10 juillet 2024 – Alexander Dugin

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The forthcoming US presidential elections on 5 November are of immense significance because the outcome will impact not only the United States and the West but also the entire fate of humanity. That is because there is a looming threat of a nuclear conflict and the potential for a third World War pitting Russia against NATO.

The next White House resident will determine whether humanity survives, so it is imperative to examine the primary candidates in this election thoroughly and understand their platforms and positions.

In recent months and years, Joe Biden has exhibited signs of impaired focus that may relate to age or underlying medical conditions, yet this seems inconsequential given that he is just a figurehead for the entrenched political elites of the US Democratic Party. Biden need not even be alive to govern. One thinks of those corpses ceremonially exhumed during annual rituals during Sulawesi Island’s Ma’nene Festival and in Malagasy ethnic traditions in Madagascar.

Globalisation advocates

Pulse or not, his administration would continue, for behind Biden stands a unified cohort of globalists—aka a ‘world government’ or ‘ruling strata’—comprising key figures from America’s ‘deep state’ and the liberal elites of Europe and beyond.

Biden subscribes to a globalist ideology aimed at unifying humanity under the governance of liberal technocratic elites, abolition of sovereign nation-states, and integration among diverse peoples and religions—a modern Tower of Babel. Many Christians see this as a precursor to the coming of the Antichrist.

Indeed, some of it is closer to science fiction. Advocates of globalisation—like Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab, Raymond Kurzweil, and Maurice Strong—openly discuss the necessity of advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neural implants capable of eliminating or rejuvenating brain cells.

Meanwhile, the West is witnessing the abolition of gender and race. Biden holds little sway in executing this agenda. He serves as a symbolic representative of globalism. Biden’s Democratic Party is home to diverse views and positions, yet even figures on the Democratic left (like Bernie Sanders or Robert Kennedy) who do not fully endorse globalisation have united in support of him.

Furthermore, Biden’s own limitations are of no concern, because real authority lies with others. Yet this is not the key point. For behind Biden lies an ideology that has gained significant traction around the world.

Liberal vs conservative

Most global elites hold liberal views to varying degrees. Worldwide, liberalism has permeated education, science, culture, information, the economy, business, politics, and even technology. Biden serves as a focal point, where the threads converge.

The US Democratic Party embodies the political manifestation of liberalism. Democrats are increasingly focused less on the interests of Americans and more on the preservation of global dominance, even if it risks war with Russia and China, jeopardising the US itself.

American neoconservatives also align with the global agenda supported by Biden’s backers. They include former Trotskyists who harbour animosity towards Russia and envision a global revolution following the complete triumph of Western capitalism. The neocons are hawkish advocates of a unipolar world and provide unwavering support to Israel despite the genocide in Gaza.

While some say they are Democrats, most are Republicans. They serve as the opposing pole to Donald Trump. In a way, this is the fifth column: Democrats and Biden’s faction within the Republican Party.

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